Rocket Flying Rules
One: All pyrotechnic rocket flying will be conducted according to the United Kingdom Rocketry Association (UKRA) Safety Code, Version 7.0 ~ full details at: -
Types of Rockets
Types: Open, Research, and Competition rocket flying in the following classes: -
- Model Rockets = ½ A to G Class Motors, i.e. 0.00 to 160.00 Newton seconds (Ns) Total Impulse (TI).
- High Power Rockets = H to M Class Motors, i.e. 160.01 to 10,240.00 Ns TI. *
- Large Rockets** = N, and over N Class Motors, i.e. 10,240.01 Ns and greater TI*.
* Including Experimental/research rockets (See Rocket Flying Rules)
** See Rocket Flying Rules
Motors = Solid, Hybrid, or Liquid Propellants.
As many of the Events listed below will be flown at IRW as entries for them are presented.
Scale Contest.
Scale Contest. Theme: Centenary Mars
On 23rd August 1924 - that is, exactly 100 years before IRW 2024 Friday - Mars made its closest approach to Earth since the 10th century. To mark this event, the theme for the 2024/5 IRW scale contest is "Centenary Mars". Any Mars-themed rocket is allowed. A safe flight is still required, so although a "War of the Worlds" Martian cylinder would be permitted, a realistic landing would not! - under the "no penetrators rule". (Bonus points will be scored if it deploys a tripod as in the book by H.G Wells, or a flying machine as in the 1953 George Pal film of the same title.) Fictitious (SF) vehicles either coming from Mars or going there are permitted. Real vehicles going to Mars are also permitted. Real vehicles coming from Mars are permitted if you can provide evidence of their origin.
The Fairlie Moor Rocket Site (FMRS) will be open for all of the listed Types and Classes of rocket flying from:
Wednesday 20th to Sunday 24th August 2025 (inclusive),
between the hours of
12Noon and 7pm Local Time (12.00Hrs to 19.00Hrs BST, 11.00Hrs to 18.00Hrs GMT),
to the Site Ceiling of
16,000 Feet (4,876 Metres) Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL), weather permitting.