Indoor Accommodation Rates


4 X Bunk Rooms = £68 per Night, divided by the number of persons using the Room.

6 X Bunk Rooms = £102 per Night, divided by the number of persons using the Room. 

These Rates are inclusive of the use of the Toilets and Showers, Kitchen facilities, Dining Room, and Lounge.

Bedding Hire (if needed) = £9 per person/bed per visit, consisting of Duvet + Cover + Sheet + Pillow + Pillow slip

Lodges/Hobbit Houses = £180 per Night, divided by the number of occupants. Can sleep up to 10 people. Mattresses fitted - bring your own Sleeping Bag/Duvet/Bedding.

Deposits: 10% deposit payable in advance on Booking.


Note: Boxes of kitchen utensils, cutlery, and crockery for use in the Cook House for the Hobbit Houses are available for hire at £25 per box. This offers a convenient alternative of having to pack and bring your own utensils, etc.)


Prior booking of Indoor & Lodges/Hobbit Houses Accommodation is strongly recommended.

To book Indoor accommodation for the IRW please contact Lapwing Lodge directly. Either e-mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or ‘phone – Office: +44 (0)1505 812035, or Warden Ross Dunbar: +44 (0)7711 732821. Office best called on Tuesday or Thursday during normal business hours. Warden Ross Dunbar also available to call in up to 9 PM. When e-mailing or calling please idenify yourself and your party (if more than one) as IRW 2024 participants. Do not use the Lapwing Lodge on-line booking system. That is overly complex for IRW bookings, and also IRW participants get a lower rate for Indoor Accommodation than is standard for other events. Prior booking for Camping is not necessary. If Camping just turn up, and we’ll find you a pitch in the Camping Field.


4 x Bunk Room

East Wing Lounge

Lapwing Lodge Dining Room

Lapwing Lodge West Wing & East Wing Kitchens

Lapwing Lodge West Wing Lounge


Hobbit Houses

Hobbit House Interior

Cook House Exterior

Cook House Interior

Outdoor Tables and Seats

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