

Welcome to International Rocket Week

 Annual Rocket Flying Event in Scotland

 Monday 18th to Monday 25th August 2025




IRW is organised and hosted by

the Scottish & Aeronautics & Rocketry Association* (SARA -www.sara.rocketry.org.uk/,

in association with STAAR Research (www.staar.rocketry.org.uk).

*Affiliated to the UK Rocketry Association - www.ukra.org.uk/& to the British Model Flying Association - https://bmfa.org/



The annual International Rocket Week is an event for Model, High Power, and Amateur rocketry – building, flying, discussing, enjoying – for and by rocketeers and rocketry followers of all ages. The IRW encompasses Open, Competition, and Experimental/Research flying.


Base Camp at the Lapwing Lodge Outdoor Centre, near Paisley.


Lapwing Lodge Outdoor Centre, located on Gleniffer Road, above the town of Paisley, (home of the Paisley Rocketeers’ Society, 1936 to 2005), is now, since our first year there in 2011, firmly established as the Base Camp for the IRW. This is an excellent base of operations. Lapwing Lodge now provides three forms of accommodation. One is the Camping Field and the Camping related domestic facilities at Lapwing Lodge – Toilets, Showers, Dish Washing Area. The second is the Indoor Accommodation at Lapwing, with its own Toilets and Showers, along with fully equipped self-catering Kitchen facilities. There is also a Laundry facility. And the third, and most recent addition at Lapwing is the four “Hobbit Houses” (or glamping pods). This new accommodation has significantly increased the number of beds available at Lapwing. All this provides very satisfactory accommodation for the majority of IRW participants (a few sometimes stay elsewhere, e.g. local B&B and hotel accommodation). Full details of the Camping, Indoor, and Hobbit Houses Accommodation can be found on the BASE CAMP page.


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